Two Dimensional Mixer

This two dimensional mixer was the product of the final project assignment in my Advanced Game Audio class. The class was dedicated to learning the sound design and implementation aspects of popular video game engines such as Unity3D and the UnrealEngine. This two-dimensional mixer is mockup of a possible sound design tool to blend various sound sources to form a convincing sound for a game object (for example, to model the sound of a crowd at a football game).
The blue XY-pad is the mixer, which is manipulated with the mouse. The user can choose between various panning methods, such as equal power or equal gain. There are individual channel controls (gain, solo, mute, play, pause) for each of the four audio sources. Another cool feature of this patch is that it has a framework to communicate via UDP, so in theory, it can be controlled remotely.
The header image on this page looks pretty, but the sad reality of PureData (vs MaxMSP, for example) is the absence of a presentation mode. Hence, the actual patch looked something like this.

The patch is available for download below, if you feel like taking this patch for a ride. The download also contains some sample audio to get up and running. Remember, all user controls are in red!